Daily Using English Words in Tamil | தினசரி பயன்படுத்தும் ஆங்கில வார்த்தைகள்

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Daily use English Words with Tamil Meaning | அன்றாடம் பயன்படுத்தும் ஆங்கில வார்த்தைகள்

ஆங்கிலம் கற்றுக்கொள்வது மிகவும் ஆற்றல் வாய்ந்த மற்றும் அற்புதமான விஷயமாகும். ஆங்கிலத்தில் பொதுவான சொற்களைக் கற்றுக்கொள்வது ஒரு சிறந்த தொடக்கமாக இருக்கும் அதே வேளையில், உங்களுக்குத் தெரிந்த சொற்களை நீங்கள் நிலைநிறுத்துவதற்குத் தேவையான உந்துதலை இது நிச்சயமாகக் கொடுக்கும்.

மேலும், நீங்கள் அவற்றை எவ்வளவு அதிகமாகப் பயன்படுத்துகிறீர்களோ, அந்த அளவுக்கு உங்கள் ஆங்கிலத் திறன் வலுவடையும். எனவே, இது மற்றவர்களிடமிருந்து கற்றுக்கொள்வதற்கான ஒரு சிறந்த செயல்முறையாகும்.

தினசரி உரையாடலில் நாம்  பயன்படுத்தக்கூடிய சிறந்த சொற்களின் 100 எடுத்துக்காட்டுகள் இங்கே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

S.No Word Tamil Meaning Sentence
1 Hello வணக்கம் “Hello! How are you today?”
2 Goodbye போய்ட்டு வர்றேன் “It’s time to say goodbye. See you later!”
3 Thank you நன்றி  “Thank you for helping me with my homework.”
4 Please தயவு செய்து  “Can I have some water, please?”
5 Sorry மன்னிக்கவும் “I’m sorry for breaking your toy. I didn’t mean to.”
6 Excuse me மன்னிக்கவும் “Excuse me, may I have your attention, please?”
7 Yes ஆமாம்  “Yes, I would love to play with you.”
8 No இல்லை  “No, I don’t want any more cookies.”
9 Happy மகிழ்ச்சி  “I’m so happy because it’s my birthday today!”
10 Sad வருத்தம்  “I feel sad when my friend is not around.”

Daily use English Words with Meaning in Tamil

Word Tamil Meaning Sentence
Hello வணக்கம் “Hello! How are you today?”
Goodbye போய்ட்டு வர்றேன் “It’s time to say goodbye. See you later!”
Thank you நன்றி  “Thank you for helping me with my homework.”
Please தயவு செய்து  “Can I have some water, please?”
Sorry மன்னிக்கவும் “I’m sorry for breaking your toy. I didn’t mean to.”
Excuse me மன்னிக்கவும் “Excuse me, may I have your attention, please?”
Yes ஆமாம்  “Yes, I would love to play with you.”
No இல்லை  “No, I don’t want any more cookies.”
Happy மகிழ்ச்சி  “I’m so happy because it’s my birthday today!”
Sad வருத்தம்  “I feel sad when my friend is not around.”

Daily using English Words with Tamil Meaning pdf

Word Tamil Meaning Sentence
Love காதல் “They fell in love at first sight.”
Friend நண்பர் “She is my best friend.”
Home வீடு “I feel comfortable and safe at home.”
Food உணவு I enjoy trying different types of food.”
Water தண்ணீர் “Please give me a glass of water.”
School பள்ளி “He goes to a prestigious school.”
Work வேலை “She has a lot of work to do today.”
Money பணம் “He earned a lot of money from his business.”
Time நேரம் “We should make the most of our time together.”
Travel பயணம் “They love to travel to exotic destinations.”

Basic Words In Tamil: 20+ Most Useful Vocabulary

Word Tamil Meaning Sentence
Beautiful  அழகான “The sunset over the beach was a beautiful sight.”
Strong வலியான “He is a strong and determined athlete.”
Brave தைரியமான “She showed her brave spirit during the challenging times.”
Smart  பெரும்பாலும் புதுமையான “He is a smart and innovative thinker.”
Funny நகைச்சுவையான “She always tells funny jokes that make everyone laugh.”
Busy பெருமளவு வேலை “I am sorry, I can’t talk right now, I’m quite busy.”
Tired சோர்வுற்ற “After a long day at work, I feel tired and just want to rest.”
Excited ஆச்சரியப்படுகிறேன் “I am so excited about the upcoming vacation.”
Wonderful மிகச் சிறந்த “It was a wonderful experience to witness the concert live.”
Delicious ருசியான “The pizza tasted delicious, I couldn’t stop eating.”

Daily use Words in English with Tamil Meaning

Word Tamil Meaning Sentence
Exciting மகிழ்வுணர்ச்சி “The adventure park offers exciting activities for all ages.”
Interesting ஆர்வமான “The book had an interesting plot that kept me engaged.”
Difficult கடினமான “The exam was difficult, but I managed to do my best.”
Easy எளிய “The instructions were clear, making the task easy to complete.”
Important முக்கியமான “It is important to prioritize your health and well-being.”
Big பெரிய  “They live in a big house with a spacious backyard.”
Small சிறிய “The shop sells small handmade crafts and accessories.”
Angry கோபம்  “She was visibly angry when her phone got stolen.”
Surprised வியப்புற்ற “I was pleasantly surprised by the unexpected gift.”
Confused குழப்பமடைந்த “The complex instructions left me confused about what to do.”

Frequently Used English Words With Tamil Meaning

Word Tamil Meaning Sentence
Proud பெருமிதம் “Her parents were filled with pride when she received the award.”
Scared அச்ச உணர்வு “He was scared to watch horror movies alone at night.”
Lonely தனியாக “Living in a new city made her feel lonely at times.”
Bored சலிப்புணர்ச்சி “He felt bored during the long wait at the doctor’s office.”
Honest நேர்மையான “He is an honest person who always speaks the truth.”
Successful வெற்றிகரமான “After years of hard work, she finally achieved her goal and became successful.”
Creative கற்பனைத் திறன் கொண்ட “She has a creative mind and loves to express herself through various art forms.”
Responsible பொறுப்புடைய “As the team leader, he is responsible for delegating tasks and ensuring their completion.”
Curious அறிவார்வமுடைய “The child’s curious nature led her to explore and discover new things.”
Independent சுதந்திரமான “After graduating from college, she decided to live independently and pursue her career.”

Basic English Words With Tamil Meaning

Word Tamil Meaning Sentence
Kind அன்பான “She is known for her kind heart and willingness to help those in need.”
Funny சிரிப்புக்குரிய “He has a great sense of humor and always makes everyone laugh with his funny jokes.”
Trust நம்பிக்கை “Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship.”
Respect மரியாதை “We should treat everyone with respect and dignity.”
Friendship நட்பு “Their friendship has lasted for years and they are like family to each other.”
Education கல்வி “Education plays a vital role in shaping a person’s future.”
Health ஆரோக்கியம் “Regular exercise and a balanced diet are important for maintaining good health.”
Happiness மகிழ்ச்சி “Spending time with loved ones brings me happiness.”
Knowledge அறிவு “Reading books and pursuing education helps in acquiring knowledge.”
Communication தொடர்பு “Effective communication is essential for building strong relationships.”

Common English Words used in Daily Life with Tamil Meaning

Word Tamil Meaning Sentence
Food உணவு “Indian cuisine offers a wide variety of delicious food.”
Work வேலை “He has a demanding work schedule.”
Study படிப்பு “She spends several hours each day studying for her exams.”
Home வீடு “There’s no place like home.”
Computer கணினி “She uses a computer for her work and personal tasks.”
Phone தொலைபேசி “I need to make an important phone call.”
Dream கனவு “She had a vivid dream about flying in the sky.”
Sleep தூங்கு “She had a restful sleep after a long and tiring day.”
Problem பிரச்சினை “He encountered a problem while solving the math equation.”
Decision முடிவு “She made a difficult decision after careful consideration.”

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